I don’t even know what to say about these hidden object games. You either like them or you don’t. I actually do, mainly for the puzzles and the hidden objects. The artwork is fine, and honestly it’s obvious that Artemis Mundi has different studios working on these, as some of them look really nice and some just kinda look like a collection of clipart. Which one any given title happens to be does kind of contribute to my interest level.

Luckily, Nightmares of the Deep 3 sports some really good artwork and some nice creepy locations. Past games I’ve played, like the fairy tale one (I forget the name) just don’t do anything for me. Another one of the things Nightmares of the Deep 3 had going for it was that it kept the meta-mini games to a minimum. What I mean by that is that some of these games have an additional layer to them, like a potion bag or something else that’s tied to the D-pad in which you have to open up and perform certain actions. I don’t care much for these actions they often feel like they take place outside of the environment and act as a bit of a gimmick. But that’s probably just me. But this one is pretty straight-forward and focuses on the on-screen puzzles rather than having to resort to that tactic.

There really isn’t much to go into on this. The stories for these hidden object games are always serviceable at best. That’s not why you’re here. The puzzles were good in this one, nothing too obtuse or with too much of a stretch in logic, so they’re easily solved for anyone with a half a brain.

That said, I did skip one puzzle. I don’t remember what it was exactly, but it was one of those puzzles that consisted of moving things around, and when you move one thing, it moves other objects as well. I hate these kinds of puzzles because it’s more down to pattern memorization and a lot of trial and error. The vast majority of the time, I usually approach these puzzles with a brute force method, usually just spamming the buttons and moving a bunch of shit around until either the puzzle is solved accidentally, or I manage to get enough pieces in the right place to see the rest of the solution. It was late and I just couldn’t be bothered; It was already the second or third puzzle of that kind I had done and I was just over it. No regrets.

So that’s that. One more game scratched off the bingo board. Moving on.