Author: XPNJunkie

Skyforge Brings The Booty

Skyforge has been available on PC and PS4 for a little while now, and I’ve played a small bit of it, but the chances of getting to play with friends were nil until it released on Xbox One. Now that it has, I was able to...

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Refreshing Myself For The Evil Within 2

Possible Spoilers for The Evil Within The Evil Within 2 is locked and loaded on my Xbox, waiting to be booted up. But before I felt confidently familiar with the story, I felt that I needed to brush up on my Evil Within...

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Rant-astic! Geralt vs. Letho

Holy fuckin’ balls I’m ready to hurt someone. I’ve been diligently and successfully working my way through The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, and I’m finally at the end of chapter one, where I get to...

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