**Author’s Note: Game Pass Goodies is not intended as a review, but rather to highlight a game I found through the service. The featured game is/was available on Xbox Game Pass at the time of this writing, and depending on when you are reading this, may or may not still be available.**

If you haven’t yet had a chance to experience What Remains of Edith Finch, you’re in for a treat! As of today, March 21st, it’s available on Xbox Game Pass for your enjoyment. If you’re a fan of the “walking simulator” genre, and even if you’re not, Edith Finch is definitely worth your time.

If you’re unfamiliar with the game, and the piles upon piles of awards it’s earned, it tells the story of the Finch family and how each member met their untimely demise. It’s told through flashbacks as Edith explores the family home, which is a maze of cobbled together rooms and secret passages, sealed doors, and lots and lots of clutter. While most walking sims are unbearably boring to me, Edith Finch side-steps this hurdle by introducing new gameplay mechanics for each family member’s flashback. It’s told in an eerily lighthearted way, as you knowingly lead each character to their doom. While you know some form of bad luck is waiting for each member, the journey towards it is enjoyable and melancholy.

The joy of playing and discovering the story is the core of what makes What Remains of Edith Finch wonderful, so to say any more here is to spoil the fun. The game can be completed in only a few hours, so it makes a great afternoon play session. Admittedly, there’s little reason to play Edith Finch a second time, which makes it the perfect game for Game Pass. Now anyone who was hesitant to pay the price of entry for a one-time ride can enjoy it. So no more excuses, give it look!