When it comes to gaming events, we don’t get much here in South Texas to get excited about. Hell, a few years ago, we didn’t get anything. So when it was announced a few years back that Penny Arcade (or whoever runs the show now) would be adding a PAX convention to somewhere other than the east and west coast, I about crapped myself to learn it was going to be in my own backyard. To be fair, they either bugged my home or Inception-ed me, because I’d been saying for a while that a gaming convention in Texas would be like printing money. It was a life-long fantasy to go to something the likes of E3 or Gamescom.

While our special little PAX doesn’t quite hit the publicity level of PAX Prime or E3 yet, (and I stress yet) it seems to be growing every year in attendance. And why shouldn’t it? Los Angeles might get all the cool announcements and heavy hitting publishers, but PAX South is for the gamers, and there are a lot of gamers between the two coasts that don’t (or can’t) afford to fly out and pay exorbitant prices for hotel rooms. Hell, Texas alone has a few million gamers hurting for a convention. Blizzcon doesn’t count.

So with my little intro and tirade out of the way, I’ll be out at PAX on Saturday (19th) taking pics and (hopefully) blogging from the show floor. I’ve never been much of a journalist, so don’t expect high quality reporting, but I am going to be making note of some of the neat projects I see in development.

Oh and Resident Evil 2. That’s gonna be hard to ignore.