Fuck. This.

How am I supposed to do a feature when the game patches keep resetting things? Before, it reset all my skill and feat points. This time they were the game settings themselves. Everything else remained, like the buildings and weapons and gear that Sonja had crafted. But this time, unbeknownst to me, the game had reset my settings back to “drop on death.”

So guess how I found out? That’s right, I went venturing out for some iron and other resources uncommon to my area. I got a little cocky, because hey, why not? I got in a little over my head, and I died.

Then, what to my wondering eyes would appear, but a naked Sonja, without all her gear!

I checked my settings, and lo and behold, everything was back to default settings. I’m at a loss right now. What kind of feature would I fucking have if, every time I made a new entry, I was starting over from literally scratch? That fucking iron doesn’t grow on the damn trees ya know. It took me a ridiculous amount of time to mine and refine that shit just to make my weapons and armor. The same weapons and armor that are now sitting at the back of a mine, underneath the bony feet of a skeleton that’s laughing his undead ass off right now.

I’m not done playing the game, but I am done trying to make a thing out of it. There are other things I could be doing.

I’ve already spent too much time on this. I’ll hand it over to XxEvil AshxX or someone who can do something proper with it.

Merle out.