We wouldn’t be XPNJunkie if I didn’t shoot myself in the foot every once in a while. This one comes with an interesting twist though. It comes in the form of my shared account that is now spread across two consoles. Before, I had the Xbox One with my original account, the one I’ve held since the early, formative days of Xbox Live. Everything I’ve ever bought through Live is tied to this account. I’ve used other accounts (most previously, the PopCult & Pinups account) to stream online or do special features for the website. Since this was my “Home Xbox” there was never a problem, as both my Live Gold account and the digital rights to any purchased games was shared on that Xbox.

Anyone who owns more than one Xbox is probably already nodding their heads. They know where I’m going with this.

So I finally acquired an Xbox One X, which if I must say so is freakin’ awesome, but it meant that I could finally move the old XBO into the living room. That Xbox needs to remain my “home” console so that my wife can access any games I’ve purchased or Gold services using her own profile through the shared service. That leaves my XBO X in the office.

As long as I’m logged into my original account, it’s fine. It does, however, leave my XPNJunkie gamer profile high and dry as neither the profile, nor the Xbox itself have the digital rights to any of the games on the system. If I make the X my home console, it will solve this issue, but at the same time, render the Xbox in the living room practically useless to anyone but me.

It’s an interesting dilemma that honestly, hadn’t even occurred to me until now. I feel like a schmuck having not even thought about it before, even though it’s a thing I knew existed and understand why. I get why Microsoft does it the way they do, but it would be great if they could expand this functionality to include local IP addresses, or share permissions across a LAN or something. I don’t know, they’re the geniuses, not me. I’m sure they could think of something.

Until then, I’m not too sure what I can do to get around it.