Skyforge has been available on PC and PS4 for a little while now, and I’ve played a small bit of it, but the chances of getting to play with friends were nil until it released on Xbox One. Now that it has, I was able to convince myself to dig into it a little more.

While the character creator isn’t the most in-depth I’ve ever seen, it will have to do until Black Desert Online releases next year. Obviously, the game lets you decide on whether or not you’d like to play as a male or female character, but as is usually the case with games like these, I don’t know why the hell you’d wanna be a dude. The females are much more fun to look at.

And why wouldn’t they be? You not only get to adjust the breast size, but also butt size and lift! No longer do you have to settle for a hero/heroine with a saggy butt, you can perk that ass right up!


Good thing she’s wearing those heels! How else would we know she means business?

The funny thing is, once you actually begin playing the game, this attention to detail is all rather negligible since the camera is so far away from your character, you can’t really see any of the details. They did include a photo mode though, so there’s that.

I haven’t really dug that deep into the game itself, but it does seem pretty fun, with an active combo system instead of an auto-attack style setup.

I realize that to anyone who has been playing it on PC or PS4 that this is pretty old news, but I thought it was interesting enough to mention for those that only own an Xbox or if you’re like me, have just been waiting to play it with friends.

I’ll provide a more in-depth look after I invest some more time into it.