Anyone who visits the site is probably sick of hearing me talk about the “backlog.” The Pile of Shame is a formidable beast, to be sure, and no matter how much you hack it down, it never seems to diminish. In some cases, despite our best efforts, it continues to grow.

In my efforts to combat this demon, I’ve tried multiple things. Back when I streamed, I would play old games online, in hopes that others may share my misery, perhaps even cheer me on. When streaming was no longer a valid option, I turned to a Bingo Board to make a game of playing games. That was successful to an extent; I managed to knock out over twenty games in the backlog. But that was a long, grueling process, and the ends did not really justify the means. My attempt to clear the board before the leaves changed may have been successful, but man did it practically kill video games for me. I needed something that I could feature at a slower pace.

I thought about it, and likened it to a good barbecue. You have your pit, your meat, and a pile of logs(!) with which to cook. It takes time, and patience, and usually some form of alcohol consumption. Well my friends, this is my barbecue. PopCult & Pinups is the pit. the games are the logs. The alcohol is.. well that’s still alcohol. As for what is being consumed, well that’s the content, my friend! Content for everyone!

Okay enough of the analogy. I’m sure you get the point, and if you don’t, it’s probably because you don’t care enough. Hell, I’m surprised you’re still reading this!

So what do you say? Let’s throw a log on the fire and see what we can cook up!