So it’s looking like Backlog Bingo Round 2 is already shaping up, long before Round 1 is even finished. My PS4 backlog has been in suspended animation for a little while now, and while my collection hasn’t grown much in the last year or two, it has slowly amassed a small pile of shame of its own. My small collection of unfinished titles is growing, and with Sony’s current “Mid Year” sale, it’s gonna get a wee bit higher.

Games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, Ratchet & Clank, and the Uncharted Trilogy have been joined by Helldivers (so far), and that’s not even from the Mid-Year sale, Helldivers came from a flash sale a few days ago. Maybe it would have been better to leave the PS4 in the living room after all.