Now that I have the Backlog Bingo out of the way, I can finally stop talking about it (and you’ll likely be glad to stop reading about it). That means I now have the time to play other things, more specifically the handful of games that have been patiently collecting virtual dust on my PS4 hard drive.

The first and more anticipated game is Horizon Zero Dawn, which I had already started and put about five hours into. Admittedly, the first time around, I was playing it on the living room television, with cats chewing on my feet and a glare from the window. I played it in small 30 minute spurts, and man was I really struggling to get into it. The main reason was that I was terrible at the combat. I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with my bow and arrows, and trying to see small details on a tv screen that was 15 feet away with my old man eyes was making things way too challenging. I stopped playing Horizon with the impression that it was going to be one long grind.

Fast forward to the present, and I’ve restarted Horizon in an attempt to not stink it up for the first few hours. I’m happy to report that I’m having a much, much easier time with the game. Now that the television screen is two feet in front of me, not only can I see the action, I can actually read the ridiculously small text that pops up on screen. The Sawtooth that gave me loads of trouble before was now handily defeated, and I’m punking Watchers like the one-eyed little bitches they are.

At this rate it shouldn’t take nearly the same amount of time to get back to where I left off, which I believe was shortly after the Proving. I’m looking forward to seeing some new territory!