I was planning something special for my 100th post. Since my fellow authors on this site have been a bit… shall we say, unavailable… it’s come to me to keep this site updated with whatever mundane subject I can think to write about. I guess that’s fair, since I’m the admin and such, but I expected a BIT MORE HELP, CHERRY. You’re not off the hook either, Merle. Finish your damn Conan series already.

*ahem* Anyways, it just so happened that my 100th post fell during E3 this year, and what was I supposed to do? I was up to my man-boobs in video game goodness, so much that it was all I could do to refrain from going full-on Twitter on the blog here, with a hundred different three-sentence pseudo-posts about whatever just got announced during the conference. I kept from doing that, because it would be shit to read and it would bury all the actual real stories on the blog. So instead I held my tongue and allowed my 100th post to be tossed away on my E3 recap, but I’m not letting it go that easy. It may be a little late, but here’s to my 100th post! I’m not raising a glass, but I do have chocolate wine poured over a bowl of vanilla ice cream right now, so I’ll raise my spoon and give three “Huzzah’s!” to my own self-appointed success. Any night you can get a buzz off of ice cream is a good night.

So what’s next? Fucked if I know! I still want to put together a podcast, but for now I lack the funding, the equipment, and -oh yeah, people to actually talk to! My work schedule is also fluid as hell, so scheduling anything with any kind of regularity is nigh on impossible. We’ll see though; I love talking video games with people that are enthusiastic (but not too much) about our hobby. I still would like an extra contributor or two to the website that have things to say about Nintendo and Playstation games in particular, since I’ve got the Xbox side pretty much covered. I try to write about the P and the N too, but I think there’s someone out there that could do a much better job of it.

Right now our traffic is extremely low, and honestly that’s okay. I write for the fun of it, say what I want and people either notice it or they don’t. The site is nothing revolutionary, but it’s not trying to be either. I’ve always thought of my blog as filling that same niche that Reader’s Digest filled for decades before the internet. Nothing in the Reader’s Digest was all that interesting, or good, but you read it while you were sitting on the pot because what the fuck else were you gonna do? Count the tiles on the bathroom wall? The Digest was popular bathroom material, and it profited off of that for years and years, until people had smartphones they could use to browse porn.

I’m okay with being the Reader’s Digest of video game websites. I don’t mind being the website that you go to when you’ve already read all the good shit everywhere else. Besides, I occasionally update on weekends. Take that, IGN.

As of writing this, the Backlog Barbecue Cookout Edition shit the bed, as I just could no longer force myself to play games that I just didn’t feel like playing. I’ll still continue my Backlog Barbecue write-ups, because honestly I enjoy giving my thoughts on games that have been out for years. That’s just how we roll here at XPNJunkie.

I’m looking forward to my 200th post, so I can celebrate properly. My interest level in the website is still pretty high, even though some of us (CHERRY) don’t seem to share my enthusiasm. There are a million things I’d like to do, it’s just a matter of having the time, money, or manpower to get the ball rolling. We’ll see, though. I don’t plan on XPNJunkie going anywhere any time soon, so we’ll see what the next 90-something posts have in store!