Last year, during E3, my lazy ass was unemployed, and I thought it would be a great idea to make a bingo board consisting of a list of games in my backlog. Completing a game would remove it from the board, and thus reveal a little bit more of the image I had in the background. It was a major pain in the ass, and practically made me hate video games.

So for some unexplainable reason, I’m feeling compelled to do it again this year. So here we are once again with the Backlog Bingo Barbecue. Yeah, I’m not going to call it Bingo because I don’t even know if it’s actually going to be a bingo board. I don’t have any original artwork that’s not a pinup in lingerie, so maybe this year just a big fat red X on the titles I finish off.

This year, instead of updating a page, I’ll be continuing the individual Backlog Barbecue postings and using the image as a checklist. I want to eventually do something special with it, but right now it’s still in the concept stages.

I feel like I have a little bit of time, because I’m not really that close to completing any of the ones on the list.