Yeah, I know TERA has been out on the PC for like, ever. But seeing as how my PC is slightly better than a calculator, I usually miss out on the latest and greatest, save for maybe the occasional lightweight title here or there. I did get to enjoy World of Warcraft back in its hey-day, and Guild Wars 2 was pretty fun. But the free-to-play MMO scene on the PC is pretty crowded, and it’s hard to know which ones are worth checking out. The ones that are, are usually graphically intense enough to put my machine out of commission. I’m looking at you, Black Desert Online.

But when they hit the console scene, it gives me a chance to finally give them a look. Not only that, but by that time they’ve usually been patched to hell and back, so you get a more refined and streamlined version to experience. Plus, some issues, like Elder Scrolls Online’s initial farm-bot problem, are all but eliminated on Xbox Live and PSN. So there are some positives, even if it comes at the price of scaled down graphics and a (sometimes) clunkier controller interface.

But now, with Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, these games are coming out with fewer comprises to their original vision.

The next one on the list is TERA from En Masse Entertainment. I’ve never played TERA before. I got to taste a tiny bit of it during the beta, but I hopped in on the evening of the last day so I didn’t really get a feel for it. It seemed a little shaky, but it was a beta, so we’ll see. Plus, I’m trying to remember correctly, but I believe I played it on my original Xbox One. So there may be some frame rate issues that are ironed out by the X’s extra horsepower. We’ll see.

It’s downloading as I type this, and I’m looking forward to giving my initial thoughts on it later today.