Welcome to XPNJunkie.com!

It seems like just last year I was creating a similar post about a name change. What? It was just last year? Well, shit.

To be honest, we loved the PopCult & Pinups name, but the more we invested into the website, the more we wanted it to stand on its own two legs. It was originally envisioned as a sister site to the Paintball Pinups of Texas, and share a close association between the two, but over time we began to realize that we wanted our gaming and pop culture website to be its own thing. So we began the discussion to change the name of it and re-launch as something fresh.

It was more than a name change though; PopCult & Pinups shared a domain with the Paintball Pinups, so in order to break free we had to migrate the website over to a different part of our web host and get it a domain all its own. For industry professionals, it’s a routine task.

But I’m not an industry professional. I did the migration myself, and for the most part everything survived, but things like featured images, media, categories, etc. got lost in the transition. Some of it is requiring some rebuilding. We still have all of our media files, but re-uploading and re-associating them all will require more energy than I really have in me. I’d rather put that energy into fleshing out our website a bit more. Leaving the Paintball Pinups and PopCult & Pinups content behind, we’re looking a little anemic at the moment. This will change in time, of course, but for the moment I’m busy re-watermarking content we’d like to still use, and at the same time get some new stuff uploaded.

We look forward to growing as XPNJunies and continuing to enjoy doing what we do, whenever we get the chance to do it. We hope everyone embraces the new name and spreads the word!

(In case you’re wondering, the XPN stands for Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo.)